- arrays are written with square brackets.
- Array items are separated by commas.
- Arrays are special type of objects
- Elements can be arrays, functions and objects
- Arrays use numbers to access its "elements".
- Array indexes start with 0
- The length property is always one more than the highest array index.
- Comparing string properties are more complex
- The reduce() method does not reduce the original array
- The typeof operator in JavaScript returns "object" for arrays.
- Adding elements with high indexes can create undefined "holes" in an array.
- Using delete leaves undefined holes in the array.
- Arrays use numbered indexes.
- If you use named indexes, JavaScript will redefine the array to an object. After that, some array methods and properties will produce incorrect results.
const person = [];
person["firstName"] = "John";
person["lastName"] = "Doe";
person["age"] = 46;
person.length; // Will return 0
person[0]; // Will return undefined
JavaScript has a built-in array constructor new Array().
Avoid using Array constructor
The new keyword can produce some unexpected results:
// Create an array with one element ???
const points = new Array(40);
sort() method will produce incorrect result when sorting numbers:
"25" is bigger than "100"
- Arrays are Not Constants. It defines a constant reference to an array.
- JavaScript const variables must be assigned a value when they are declared:
const cars;
cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"]; - An array declared with const cannot be reassigned
const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "Audi"];
Redeclaring an array declared with var is allowed anywhere
var cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"]; // Allowed
var cars = ["Toyota", "BMW"]; // Allowed
cars = ["Volvo", "Saab"]; // AllowedArrays declared with var can be initialized at any time.
You can even use the array before it is declared:
cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
var cars;
- const has Block Scope.
An array declared in a block is not the same as an array declared outside the block:
const cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
// Here cars[0] is "Saab"
const cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "BMW"];
// Here cars[0] is "Toyota"
// Here cars[0] is "Saab"Redeclaring or reassigning an array to const, in the same scope, or in the same block, is not allowed:
const cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
const cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
var cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
const cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
const cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
var cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
cars = ["Volvo", "BMW"];
var has global Scope
var cars = ["Saab", "Volvo", "BMW"];
// Here cars[0] is "Saab"
var cars = ["Toyota", "Volvo", "BMW"];
// Here cars[0] is "Toyota"
// Here cars[0] is "Toyota"